
Webinar title : How to Present Your Research Paper in International Conferences
(Do's & Dont's)

EVENT DATE: 24th September, 2024, TIME:3PM IST


Prof. Sonal Gulati

Faculty of Management

NDIM India


Points to be discussed

Introduction: Importance of Presenting at International Conferences

Why conferences are valuable platforms

Benefits for academic and professional growth

2. Understanding the Conference Requirements

Reviewing submission guidelines

Formatting and structure of the paper

Preparing supplementary materials (posters, handouts, etc.)

3. Preparing Your Presentation

Choosing key points from your research

Structuring your presentation (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion)

Time management: adhering to allocated speaking time

4. Designing Effective Visual Aids

Creating engaging slides

Using graphs, charts, and images to enhance understanding

Avoiding clutter and overloading slides

5. Rehearsing Your Presentation

Practicing for clear, concise, and confident delivery

Timing your talk and managing the flow

Handling nerves and maintaining poise

EVENT DATE: 24th September, 2024, TIME:3PM IST