Organizing Committee

Our Organizing Committee Members are the driving force behind the success of the ICRTMDR conference. Comprising experienced professionals and dedicated individuals, they play a pivotal role in planning, coordinating, and executing this international event on multidisciplinary research trends. With a shared commitment to excellence, the committee ensures the seamless flow of activities, fostering an environment conducive to collaboration and knowledge exchange. Join our esteemed Organizing Committee and be an integral part of the ICRTMDR 2025 experience in Istanbul, Turkey.

Organizing Committee Members


Prof.Emir Otluoglu

Vice Dean, Department of Business Administration

Istanbul University

Istanbul, Turkey


Dr. Veysel Bozkurt

Professor, Department of Economics

Istanbul University

Istanbul, Turkey

Organizing Secretary

Prof.Dr. Ozgur Sari

Professor, Department of Sociology

Sinop University

Sinop, Turkey

SCIENTIFIC Committee Members

Prof. Dr. Oğuz ATA

Head of Department, Department of Software Engineering

Altinbas University

Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. Ahmed Saqr

Assistant Professor, Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics

Mansoura University

Mansoura, Egypt

Dr. Ramaballav Roy

SENIOR PROFESSOR, Department of Zoology

Goa University

Goa, India


Associate Professor, Faculty of Literature

Istanbul University

Istanbul, Turkey

Julissa Reyna

University teacher, Departmet of Research Project

Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan

Huanuco, Peru

Dr.Cengiz Kahraman

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering

Istanbul Technical University

Istanbul, Turkey

Ancuța Rotaru

Professor, Department of Transportation Infrastructure and Foundations

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași

Lasi, Romania

Nguyen Duy Vinh

Professor, Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering

Phenikaa University

Hanoi, Vietnam

Dr.Muhammad Ilyas

Assistant Professor, Department of Cybersecurity

AL Ain University of Science and Technology

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr.Mustafa Takaoğlu

Block Chain Specialist,


Ankara, Turkey

Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullahi Abdu İbrahim

Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering

Altinbas University

Instanbul, Turkey

Review Committee Member

Vinoth Nageshwaran

Data Engineer, Product and Tech

Insider Inc, Plano, TX

New York, USA

Dr Santosh Rane

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Sardar Patel College of Engineering

Mumbai, India

International Committee Member

Mohammed Jasim Mohammed

Professor, Department of Statistics

University of Baghdad

Baghdad, Iraq

Rivas Jeric R

Faculty, Department of Criminal Justice

Philippine College of Criminology

Manila, Philippines

Silvia Verónica Valdivia Yábar

Research professor, Department of Education

National University of the Altiplano

Puno, Peru